Increase investment value
Enrich human life
Enhance neighbourhoods
Augment cultural context
Nurture and sustain our living environment
Increase investment value

Central to our proposition of increasing investment value is an understanding that buildings do not attain value as objects in isolation. Their material and utilitarian value is expanded by their role as an affirmation of human aspiration and as a stage for human interaction; buildings are embedded in the specific contexts of a region, a city, a culture; and they need to exist respectfully within the living ecosystems of the planet that sustains us.

Enrich human life

We do what we do for the people we serve. We are mindful of the dreams and desires of our clients, and of the lives lived within and around our buildings. We are specifically interested in how the decisions we make affect people, how they feel and, how they react.

Enhance neighbourhoods

People live in, and shape, communities; buildings exist in, and shape, neighbourhoods. We use our understanding and experience in the field of urban design and our determination to make better urban environments to ensure that our buildings are good neighbours.

Augment cultural context

Architecture is a cultural act. Good designs emanate from within their cultural context, and serve to expand cultural identity. We understand that cultural creation is both a solitary and communal undertaking, and we love working collaboratively in creative teams, probing to understand the underpinnings of a given culture.

Nurture and sustain our living environment

Buildings make up the cities that sustain human life. Yet buildings today contribute excessively to global warming, resource scarcity and other critical threats to our planet’s natural, self-regulating, life-sustaining system. We consistently aim to reduce the ecological footprint of our buildings.


How will we achieve a quality building? Will users find meaning in our work? Will the cultural value we aspire to, earn our design enduring appreciation? Are our solutions rooted in cultural understanding and respect? Can we contribute to the cultural expression with innovative approaches? Are we respectful to the cultural context in which we work? Are we anchoring the financial sustainability in true environmental sustainability? Do we push beyond the status quo in reducing our building’s energy demands and resources? Do we understand and are we respectful to the environment we are building in? Do we understand the resources in this context and on this site? Have we designed to suit the microclimate in this context? Can we put anything back, reuse or recycle? Are we conserving as much energy as we can? Do we have to import, or can we make it here? Will future generations judge that we used resources appropriately? Have we used the best technology available to us? Have we understood the possibilities inherent in the brief? Are we adding quality to the environment? Are we adding value to the client’s investment? Have we designed in such a reduced form that the results endure content and time? Are we creating simple cost-effective solutions that are easy to build in this context? Will the building still be relevant in the future? Will improving the neighbourhood add value to the building? Will our building improve the neighbourhood? Will our building add value to the community? Do we have the neighbourhood’s well-being at heart? Do we understand the investment in the neighbourhood? Have we considered the wider community affected by our intervention? Are we enhancing the neighbourhood in years to come? Have we created the best setting possible for the users to work, live, learn or play in? How will the user feel about the light, texture and acoustics of a space? How do we put ourselves in the shoes of the user? Does the building fulfill our client’s needs in every sense? How will occupants feel in the buildings? How will our clients feel in the space we create? How do we make a great place? How will we achieve value for the client?
Studio Environment banner


Collaboration is about dissemination of ideas and the synergy of solving problems creatively. Our open plan studio encourages a culture of personal development where youth and experience combine to create interesting and resolved architecture.

Since its inception, Co-Arc has operated from an open studio environment, fostering flattened hierarchies and creative interaction. We work collaboratively, to benefit as much from the creative vision of youth as from the expertise and experience of more senior team members, while safeguarding the integrity of the project through balanced team structuring and well-defined methodologies and quality control.

We create opportunities for growth and foster the development of talent and specialised skills through active mentorship and sponsorship of formal education and training.


We have a rich history of collaboration with architects and other built environment professionals, on joint projects. We seek mutually beneficial relationships built on a shared collaborative spirit, high levels of professionalism and mutual trust. The number of quality projects completed in association with other practices testifies to our success in making collaboration work, as does our reputation of being good partners, made manifest in ongoing working relationships and friendships with our peers.

SOUTH AFRICA BOTSWANA GHANA NIGERIA SENEGAL > Aziz Tayob Architects > Schnepel Architects > Consultium > Stauch Voster Associates > Martin Kruger Architects > Piet De Beer Architects > Bannie Britz > GAPP Architects > Bentel Associates International > Sack Crowhurst > Arup > Coplan > MWLF Architects > Botha & Associates > Motsepe Architects > Revel Fox ARGENTINA > Miguel Angel Roco Arquitecto > Afrique De L'ouest Architectures > Orthner Orthner & Associates > Arup LONDON > Dexter Moren Associates > FMA GERMANY > Architekten Von Gerkan, Marg und Partner DUBAI > Lindsay Boutros Ghali HONG KONG > Roco Design Architects > PSI > Paledi Co-Arc ZIMBABWE > MA Design Studio MAURITIUS > Kushiram & Associates CURRENT COLLABORATIONS PAST COLLABORATIONS MOZAMBIQUE > Consultech USA > Perkins + Will

We have a rich history of collaboration with architects and other built environment professionals, on joint projects. We seek mutually beneficial relationships built on a shared collaborative spirit, high levels of professionalism and mutual trust. The number of quality projects completed in association with other practices testifies to our success in making collaboration work, as does our reputation of being good partners, made manifest in ongoing working relationships and friends with our peers.
